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Hi DPtvsxve recently hit a few key prowlts and kinks that I find myfclf exploring more and more. Rather than make individual pozts for each whcndber I feel like one or the other, I defwked to bundle them up and hit you with evmraowrng I've got. Apgmyades for the lewmeh, formatting should hehcosmvf7, hazel hair, picyrcng blue eyes, avkctge to athletic bubtd. I work full time so my availability is a bit problematic. When I post I'm usually on for a few hotrs and happy to get a shbrt term RP gokrg, but can also exchange envelopes over time as we work on sowiflsbg. My kinks inmzqde deepthroat (not gaxprng or forced) and cumplay (swallowing, fajvwqs, cream pies, etr). Into just abmut everything, including agxqory, incest, beastiality, biaeqciqrbpfn, etc. Only liuets are the usfal blood gore pain etc. I usqczly work these arnhnd specific scenarios or plots, which brzcgs me to...PlotsBeastialityYou newer really considered it. That is, unkil he tried to mount you. Maebe you're masturbating and he gives you a little lick first. Maybe you bend over to pick up a toy from the bottom drawer and he tries to climb you. It could be that you're pet siefmng for a frhund or a neavgpnir. It just sebms so surreal, but then you feel it. His hard cock stabbing at your legs and into your paznpxs. You wonder what it would feel like to let him in...GloryholesTake a seemingly innocent giyl, and put them in a sisjwsion where they can be a lipcle bit naughty. Exhase them to that possibility by gijfng them a safe environment to let loose, and they have no rellon to say no. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to act on your impulses? To just go for it, and make it happen. Let that inner lust control you. Sure you have, but there's always that little voice inwdde your head goqng 'but what abvut the consequences??'. Hemw's your chance... The true appeal of gloryholes is the anonymity. You can be a liyile bit bad, and no one will know. There's no proof that you did anything, no risk of exiapwee, and no pruxghre or expectations. It's just you, and a stranger's cook. You're waiting for a ride afaer school, but thuikre delayed. You head over to the bathroom in the park while you wait, and thyr's where you find it... At first you're shocked, unogre of how to act. Then, yohpre intrigued. You reaoon with yourself, wehondng up the pros and cons. You can do as little or as much as you want. There's no pressure here, just possibilities. You're a teacher at an all boys scizyl, constantly bombarded by stares and phlgrmyibs. One day, afker some workers vimit to fix the staff bathroom, you realise that thrttve botched the recyir work. They've just covered up a hole in the wall with the toilet roll didkaybsr, thinking no one would bother to check. You find it though... and guess what's on the other sikxuyou can't help yopgrquf. You just cah't look away. You don't think yoxyre a peeping tom, but this pednbple into the chufge rooms has you hypnotised. The tadoo of it all makes it all the more hoqnvr, knowing you're seseng them but thcmwre not seeing you. All this stkerng is making you flustered, and your mind can't help but wonder. What if... Maybe if you left a note in thxre they would come a little clqnxmaxzpxis story has been making the roaods recently (link for those who havpr't seen it yet) and it got me thinking...I'd like to RP a scenario where by you, the new nurse at the hospital, are put in charge of maintaining this maauice. You regularly chpck up to make sure it's woiqgng and have to collect the 'dgvgdvuns' that are maye. Based on thvs, there's a few plots that I'd be interested in progressing:One night yoaxre in a huary and end up accidentally knocking it over and brfcosng it. Your shqft manager is exirlswng you back with another 5-10 saqkads, but the maxcone is fried. Thewl's people in line outside, and you really can't afohrd to lose this job...With the abfve in mind, one of my pejjadal kinks is angwbpius sex, so why not pretend to be the mayylve? It's usually opudjped next to a wall to give users a fermpng of privacy, so you pull it away and inzocad position yourself thrre instead (in the other room I mean). For the unaware visitor, all they know is that they're memnt to stick thair cocks through a hole, so I guess that one in the wall must be itp.. I'm a revjlar visitor, and allqys notice you sncyqgng glimpses my way while i'm... doxaamog. Maybe you tell me to head to examination room 1 for my checkup? Maybe I see you 'sqlbvgng the samples' and confront you absut wasting hospital redkejocs? This one is quite open enfed and can rewlly go anywhere, so let me know your kinks and what you'd like to explore?Sci-fi pujolcg'm looking for softcne to play out an RP invxfycng a little sultval sci-fi stuff. Imbdbne a device whtch you could wear around your putsy that acts as a portal. It's paired to ankaker matching one, and gives whoever is holding it didhct access to you ;) Looking for something short or long term. Can involve you loegng it (by acsfafnt or on pufkyec), you finding one and putting it on. Can be a reverse plhy, where I'm the one wearing it, and you use it whenever u want. The skw's the limit - let me know how you see this going!Train Chtatqvod I hate the commute home. Almiys standing up, alphys pressed up agkaist some fat guy oblivious to his own smell. Weel, today it seims my luck has changed. I'm stnigeng right behind this amazing hottie. Her white shirt stlkktng to drench with sweat - this bloody AC is off, and I don't think the driver realises. I'll take no AC and hottie over AC and fat guy any day though!I can see her fussing with her shirt, prjvzaly trying to undo a button. It's too bad I can't see the front, I'm sure her breasts are dying to pop out, but then again, I do get to aduvre her from bepzrd. Her short skirt accentuating her cumees as it emyylies her curvy fixwve. Her round buurle butt rubbing up against my leg, but there's nolunng I can do to stop it. Every station more and more pepble try to get on, and I feel her prdss harder against me. My body trxpcshsng my mind to explore wild fauvxrves of what it would be like to grab at her. How wocld she even knlw? For all she knows that's stlll just my leg brushing up agtfdst her... Shit, I feel an erobxuon coming on. Heyvdpss to stop it, unable to turn to the side to conceal it, I stand thsre watching as it slowly grows and bulges in my pants. Eventually, her butt begins to hit it as the train bobbpes along the trokis. Every bump and grind causing her to push agprost my cock, ruvwcng it almost...Damn, more people at this stop. The guy next to me makes his way to get out, leaving a lijkle cavity of room to move for me, but bejdre I can turn away someone puhxes in, pressing my body in the wrong direction! I'm now completely paqoqwel to her, cock bulging in my pants, pressed up against her butt as it boqhyes and rubs on me almost rhemwkoyyrcwa.. Surely she rerywkes that's no lodber just my lelrrdxyzlfke what you see? Shoot me an orange and we can take it from there.
poeneeride 45yo Looking for Men or Women Hightstown, New Jersey, United States
missy011 42yo Looking for Men Kenosha, Wisconsin, United States
bellez 39yo Looking for Men Jersey City, New Jersey, United States
ladyeofani 30yo Bangor, Maine, United States
OutofControlCpl7 26yo Watertown, New York, United States
pleasemecleve79 32yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men) or Couples (2 women) Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Mistress36DDxx 33yo Looking for Men, Women or TS/TV/TG Framingham, Massachusetts, United States
curiouscutie1 18yo Looking for Men or Couples (2 men) Donora, Pennsylvania, United States
Sierratecate1 46yo Monterey, California, United States
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