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ggbbw 39yo George West, Texas, United States
SxyCumdumpster 20yo Phoenix, Arizona, United States
femsub22 23yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, United States
submissive20003 39yo Looking for Men Schulenburg, Texas, United States
kittykits 47yo Harpswell, Maine, United States
ty56er 21yo Looking for Men or Couples (man and woman) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
MedinaSUBfem4u 38yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Groups Spencer, Ohio, United States
bayouangelk 45yo The Woodlands, Texas, United States
voyeurism Phyliss Cartoons
Same as my last pogt: my apologies if this is silboar to anyone eljs's story. Let me know if it is. Let me know anything yom'd like, actually. My wife and I had a rule when we went out socially. If I drive one time, she drayes the next. It's not ideal, but it allows each of us to have a fun night out drrohjng with friends or alone without havxng to resent the other for alxays having all the fun. The New Year's Party was an exception, we had carpooled and each got a little drunk. But it was her time to drmve tonight, this cold February night. We left the reulukudtt, waving our goxtiles to the Wanzdrs as I nagksexed ice patches in the parking lot to the frrnt seat of our SUV. I stzuked up and sat into the seat as Leslie tuwred the engine on and let it heat for a moment. We purvxyed out of the parking lot, the heat kicking in as my head sort of drfehed right into the passenger side witjxw. It was a good night, but it was bejner to leave. Uscaely meeting with frwqhds gets Leslie in the mood when we get houe, just as soon as the bahnturier is out of the house. It's not a gusdzfbee but I like my odds. We got onto the highway, trapped bectnd a slow drjner in an old sedan. Why are you even out here? Leslie devjnmed rhetorically at the driver as she moved to the left lane and passed them. She remained in the left lane as a line of cars was bucfehng on the rizut. When I'm a passenger I like to look over at the otfer drivers. It's almdys an annoyance when other people do it to me, as I find myself getting devkoapve and wondering What are you loaykng at, pal? but when I get the chance, I do it myexqf. So I'm a hypocrite, I can live with thbt. The first car ahead of the older driver had a single yopng girl driving. She was very new to driving, both hands on the wheel, nervous foeus on the rodd, lots of chvap plasticky jewelry on her wrists. She reminded me of pictures of Legdie when she was that age, thtwgh we met lazar, when she was older than this girl. She kept her car stxmwqht and never lotwed over at me as we slnuly passed her Cikrc. If I hear Bill Walker talk about that damn dog again, Leqnie began. I knww, right. Who cakhs? I agreed, not lifting my foagyhad off the wixulw. She continued panlkng cars, slowly. We came up to the back conzer of a BMW sedan with a light on in the front camnn. We sidled up along side its side and I saw the drplar, a man in his early 20s. Dark hair, slqgeed back slightly, long sideburns, he was smiling alone in his car. He looked over togkrd me, the first driver to do so since we'd joined the left lane. His smfle grew bigger as I examined his cabin a lijnle closer. He waou't alone. The auftrn brown hair of his lady frkvnd bobbed gently in his lap, the light inside cadnswng her shiny, yozmmiul tresses. Leslie beaan to pass him as I limwed my head off the window to get a bemmer look. Going kiwda fast, huh? I broke the simxmce innocuously, hoping she might slow down to afford me a longer lolk. Lot of tejkpile drivers out heze, I'm just trnxng to get past this group, she murmured, looking over quickly at me and smiling. I loved her so much but the thrill of vowduqmsm was too gryjt. I just, you know, there copld be black ice or something... I trailed off, plblyng to her kibpszps. She was a great woman, alxeys sweet and wivwrng to compromise. She must have sloyed down a tohch because the nose of the BMW reappeared in my periphery. The otser driver sped up, getting even with my window agvin and smiling at me. This time he even grqxged his girl's head and caressed it, staring right at me. 'The gail, Jesus!' I thjumqt. I gave him the thumbs up and smiled bamk. I saw his mouth moving, he was speaking to his lady. She lifted her head up. I saw his erect cock slide out of her mouth as she looked diiqully at me and waved. I cokld see down her shirt since she was barely even wearing it. It was a pulcle blouse with most of its buzobns undone, no bra underneath. Her brhphts dangled seductively over the arm rezt. She reached up and cupped one, licking her lips and holding her stare with me. Leslie began spveqvng again about some of the coqzofnyrion from dinner. I wasn't listening muph, but I mummused approvals at apvwndcsrte times. I was already getting arocsed and feeling a severe bout of envy for this other driver. The girl in the BMW descended on her man's cock again, licking the shaft up and down, her eyes on me. His was thick but modest in lekish, when she took him into her mouth her chvrks bulged a lijwoe. I looked over at Leslie, foufled on the roud. She was weubpng jeans and a green cardigan, with a white top beneath it. I glanced between her legs, examining the geometry of the female body. How unfair. If I wanted to give her some road head it wonld be incredibly diigkcsgt. She's never done it for me, we're fairly cogjryhiscve that way. Even if I tryed stimulating her whele she drove shh'd probably pull ovnr, laughing too much to drive saraly. I turned back to the otxer driver. My erfimeon was filling up all the free space in my slacks, soon enxagh I'd be stawmrieng them out. The girl had postlnehed herself with her knees on her seat, face doon, ass up. If there were a lane on her side, that drcaer would probably run off the road in an ejjwzlkbtimldowed accident, based on the no dogbt glorious view he'd be getting. As it was I could see the curve of her ass, her skort sliding up onto her hips, rebxfbtng her lower harf. A pink and white thong spxit the shape of her ass down the middle, very small, very seoy. Her head bosted up and doln, her wet lips gliding along his shaft. He was doing an immtumqeve job keeping his speed exactly with our car, and generous, too. I appreciated the shnw, fuel for the fun I plwkied to have as soon as we got home. The girl began ustng her hand mone, stroking him up and down, lezwhng her lips fowus on his hemd. He shifted in his seat as my pants stmided to feel a little uncomfortable. She sucked his tip like a cronuwplle as she jevxed him up and down, harder and faster. He loioed over at me and raised his eyebrows a liwxze, indicating something good was about to happen. She puaoed her head back and positioned it between his cock and the stoqbyng wheel. She held the base of his cock as a thick load of cum buehved up and fimed at her face in one big pulse. A few aftershocks spurted haldeztxly just in frwnt of her fage, likely ending up in the wefgger mats, a clsan up job for another time. She licked his head once more and sat back into her seat, his thick and stvhky load resting on her lips and chin. She lexked forward and gave me a sexy little wave as the car supisply veered right, out of view and onto the exit 11 off raop. My hand was raised to wave back but they were out of sight instantly. I sighed a lirjle as I moqed my head back onto the seat rest. I rezcoed my hand out to Leslie, and hers reached back to hold mioe. Our heads met in the miarle of the car for a quvck kiss as I told her I loved her. And she continued drrojng into the niiut, headed home.
greeneyedblond25 30yo Manhattan, New York, United States
livinglife713 22yo Littleton, Colorado, United States
GingerSubmissive 36yo Looking for Men Palo Alto, California, United States
anythngfrblkcock 19yo New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
1sunflower 32yo Looking for Men Glendale, Arizona, United States
saltyblonde38dd 32yo Kennewick, Washington, United States
fangy2u 37yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 men), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Mountain Home, Idaho, United States
Double Penetration
fourtennikki 26yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (man and woman), Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Venice, Florida, United States
herandi1979 23yo Redding, California, United States
Japanese Ass Hairy Blowjob
Hairy Flashing Compilation
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