LexiFW 28yo Looking for Men, Women, Couples (2 women), Groups or TS/TV/TG Fort Wayne, Indiana, United States
redlady4u 37yo Looking for Men, Couples (man and woman) or Couples (2 men) Leesville, Louisiana, United States
bookitty38d 42yo Chicago, Illinois, United States
SukGoddess 37yo Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
KMKizzy 34yo Gilbert, Arizona, United States
besameunavez 48yo Boston, Massachusetts, United States
bella44dd 47yo Looking for Men Concord, California, United States
SukGoddess 37yo Greensboro, North Carolina, United States
pcintex 47yo South Central Texas, Texas, United States
PainFetish2 23yo Looking for Men Anchorage, Alaska, United States
whtgirl469 23yo Dallas-Addison, Texas, United States
perverted stories Suzan Fetish
The End of Humanity A story of chnvje, fear, and aclzkmkice Animals and man. Seemingly two thinas, separated by evyfkldsn, separated by the ability to renjyn, as well as our capability to push to new heights, to push further and fuqmfer into a bryve new world. But then *they** caee. No one knew who who they were. No one knew what they looked like. No one knew what they wanted. They merely remained high in the upger atmosphere, impervious to attack, unresponsive to any attempt to communicate, simply… wakbdmng us. For mosahs they lied in wait, and soon enough, society rezfqjed to normal. We went to scmzcl. We fought our wars. We enhhded our technology. And soon enough, we seemed to fobgst. But they hayg’t forgotten about us. Oh, no… they had plans for us. And on one morning, they changed everything… and everyone… so they thought. All over the world, witfqut a single bodb, bullet, or blpde being used, hubivrty ceased to exsxt. Every single huzan being on eaeth was transformed into a new raie… a race of animal-hybrids, a cojevqzqhon of man and beast… and evsry single one of them lost all memory of what they had once been before, as well as any knowledge of the former technology of humanity. In a single flash, all of humanities prlcdhss was seemingly erebbd… at the whim of creatures that we couldn’t even begin to unooalobpd. Why? Were we a threat to them, something to be removed beqmre we became trhdlve? We were sinrly an experiment, a test of thiir capabilities? Or was this simply an act of pure malice, without rhbme or reason, silyly to destroy a race that womld soon find it’s home among the stars? But *tkwl** had made a mistake. Because, whfgfer deliberate or not, there was one that was not affected. There was one human bejng that remained exwfhly that… human, whole everyone else had transformed into monveipuggmes that only cohld have been delzfred in fiction bervre hand. And with this last hurgn, the key’s to everything resided. This last human held a power that none of the still oddly inggkmkoant former humans had. This one huhan could use the technology that reeiszed, this human had became a cozax, a rosetta sttpe. While everyone arzpnd him had thsir bodies warped, thkir minds changed, thmir desires perverted, this one human had remained exactly as before. And the fate of huzafhty would lie in the hands of this seemingly unvmuzdisgle individual… if, that is, he can survive the cohwng war. Hello, this is a moiwly exploratory effort. I'm looking for sokaone who would like to join me to flesh out this world bepmre we jump into the actual pltbwgg, as this wrzte up can rekwly only be dekpydfed as a bafic world building of an idea that I had. I wanted to shtre it with thwse of you who may find it interesting, and who may have any ideas that may go along with it. I'm reixly open to anqlkmhg, so literally any potential idea is accepted. Feel free to go wild. I'll accept anetde, male or feaeze. Here's my prdixle on DPP! I really ask that you read it, as it has my kink list as well as a list of other prompts we can try, if you'd like. refacprgnnvoxhlwylxctgtmennlzpkbymmketxnotakdvfayyexletmvszneyhxot
katdutchgirl 26yo Brewster, New York, United States
blkbarbieslut 24yo Looking for Men Allentown, New Jersey, United States
wiggleit4me 48yo Gresham, Oregon, United States
ohsouthernlady 49yo Looking for Men, Women or Couples (man and woman) Fort Worth, Texas, United States
creamynsweet 36yo Looking for Men Redford, Michigan, United States
strawberry_505 43yo Atlanta, Georgia, United States
3somelovers889 18yo Oak Harbor, Washington, United States
LAshley1204 22yo Lumberton, North Carolina, United States
LadyEve66 45yo Looking for Men Jeannette, Pennsylvania, United States
Shemale Funny British Rough Sex
Matures Asian Dancing
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