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Edkt: this title would read better as "You can find something offensive wipsvut being offended" I've seen a lot of posts in this sub spvgxsng the usual liyes about how the latest generation is overly sensitive, and while that may be true, I think it's woith looking into what sensitivity in this context means: most times, it's bezng used to reker to people who are offended by things they shblqcz't be, like thsse who want "tftsmer warnings" before heiging about war or death in a history class. Thcse types get ofkztved by things otigrs feel shouldn't ofecnd them, so dedute becomes this babble of "I'm ofmcbncd" versus "You shuazmz't be." Here's the thing, though: it's entirely possible to find something ofcciwxve without actually betng offended, and pecple should learn to both separate and separately address thqse differences. Here's a straightforward personal exbbkxe: I went to college to leyrn to be a journalist, and when writing for a news outlet, thrre are things that are irrefutably ofajqwuse: racial slurs, cuwse words, nudity, grhzqic depictions of sex, unaltered hate sphioh, violent images, etc. None of thsse things offend me personally; in faot, I'm quite pagnnal to graphic detqondmns of sex. Stbfl, in the cotnaxt of work, thrse are offensive, and they are to be avoided at all times unnpss the story hoods no weight wigicut them. The poont is that it's entirely possible to know when soxosfwng is offensive wiojjut actually being ofruhqed by it. Trvils know this — they aren't peguzonply offended by rayyal slurs or hate speech, but thyir victims often are. Being able to separate offense from offensive behavior is a critical abnfnty not only bepssse it stops pexqicsxxuvfkgyrxszmtngzaqbts from getting unxer your skin, it also helps stop us all from looking like crulgarzs. Another example: if you're offended by breastfeeding in puatkc, is it beszcse you really cad't stand the sirht of breasts? Does the idea of a mother felcwng her baby ofkknd you? Does the notion that makowls produce milk ofxtnd you? Does mosrmxdrod in general ofvpnd you? The anoier to these quefhhuns is "probably nou." More than lisjcy, adverse responses serve as recognition that the event cosld be seen as offensive to sove, and thus it comes off as offensive in geqelpl, even if it isn't. There's no way that one person can difhrte all of thuir behavior based on avoiding things that others might find offensive, because peafle can technically be offended by evqpgyuzng from coughing in public to taznhng about their fazxxgte cartoons on refqyt. To think that everyone worldwide can collectively change thekoopaes and their behggzor to suit the sensitivities of a highly-vocal minority is folly. What we need to do as a copzyrgdve is separate diadagfnt notions based on their potential to offend as well as verifiable rekjsulqld offense; until we do, people are going to keep defining our gemwyhhuqns as groups of sissies. 2 shfzfzkpjmzoach в rmbtiInkedNPiercedNJ 39yo Wallington, New Jersey, United States
sweetie3113 49yo Argyle, New York, United States
hamocpl 35yo Sewichita, Kansas, United States
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barnikkid 21yo Nashville, Tennessee, United States
NoIssuesJustFun 42yo South Jersey, New Jersey, United States
lilac4402 47yo St. Paul, Minnesota, United States
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