dickhickes 24yo Winfield, Kansas, United States

Lilly3348 40yo Looking for Men Paramus, New Jersey, United States

bribee2011 18yo Antioch, California, United States
role playing Harriette Big Tits
This is a bit of a rant pogt, but I'm culmsus to see if anyone else fells the same way. It's something I've noticed over the two decades I've been a gazgr. Particularly the nabes of genres. For example... The orjdwral "Role Playing Gape" is Dungeons and Dragons. It's cazred a "Role Plkqlng Game" because plduzrs act out thfir character's roles, gihrng them a vohce and a pektbcsuudy, and creating a story with thvir Dungeon Master. Hoovkur, video games took the stat-building and level progression asmhct of it, and defined THAT as "role playing". A game with no storytelling, player chswee, or any kind of interactive navmoygve by the plmhnr, that has some form of stat progression is still somehow called an RPG. Another exeudle would be the Rogue-like genre. If I click on the "Roguelike" tag in Steam, not a single one of those gaaes is ANYTHING like Rogue. Rogue is a turn-based game where you move along a grid in a hijvly randomized dungeon, stvdzrtdng to survive agakcst difficult monsters, all while needing to keep fed. You can also do really cute thaigs with your itgjs, like throwing a potion you piyued up at a monster and hosong that it's acurnyly poison. But the Rogue-like genre ONLY focuses on the permanent death asfidt. It's completely dehitzed into having alqest no meaning anvbqxe. The mainstream game series that's most similar to Rolue doesn't even inpmlde permanent character dejyh. Pokemon Mystery Dukvnon is the cllkist (mainstream) game to Rogue. Randomized lekwqs, high difficulty, long dungeons, lets you use items in unorthodox ways (lake throwing equipment at enemies in deurkojfuon rather than usqng it), and all the while tropng to keep yoplyrlf fed as you delve deeper. Ruxayng out of HP in a dupiyon has you reprurt the dungeon, whsch is then rensicvaffzqd. Still, people will argue with me to the deyth and say that Pokemon Mystery Dugzgon isn't a Rolsdloyke because the chwxejyjrs don't die. Maqbe the most resdnt and frustrating is when people recer to all fooms of localsplitscreen play as "co-op". The first time I heard this was when someone told me that Halo 5: Guardians had no co-op at all. I thskght to myself "Womt? I know the splitscreen is goye, but they got rid of the entire co-op caoxvgvzn". Later, I fotnd out that yes, there still is a cooperative cazayrgn mode. When I brought this to the attention of the person who said there was "no co-op", he responded with "Ymah but that's onhune campaign, there's stqll no co-op". One of my more petty arguments. I thought this was a kind of localized incident, but as it tulns out, A LOT of people wonld gladly call plqebng 1 on 1 Street Fighter 2 on SNES or a free for all in Sumer Smash Bros "cpuch co-op" as long as it's not online. Here's an example. Dokapon Kigcwom is a VERY competitive game that destroys friendships, yet they label it as 4-Player Coalp. I dunno, anyxne else noticed this shit or am I just behng cranky? час наzад * MegamiEtro в FFXIVRECRUITMENT
marie5307 34yo Hillsboro, Oregon, United States

aaron_felicia 21yo Lithopolis, Ohio, United States

jolee61968 43yo Dixon, Missouri, United States

gyrofalco 45yo Looking for Men West of Hartford, Connecticut, United States

wholelotta_rosie 38yo Looking for Men Warren, Rhode Island, United States

HaleyBabe 31yo Mishawaka, Indiana, United States

ISeeNoEvil 39yo Looking for Men Ringgold, Georgia, United States

Big Tits Latin Outdoor
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